Hail King Jesus

Hail King Jesus

Join us as Pastor Cory Steinson preaches a sermon entitled, “Hail King Jesus”. We trust you will be blessed as you listen.

The Lions Roar

The Lions Roar

Join us as Pastor Cory Steinson continues his sermon series through the book of Amos with a message entitled, “The Lions Roar”. We trust you will be blessed you as listen.

Significant Investment

Significant Investment

Pastor John McGregor preaches a message entitled, “Significant Investment”. We trust you will be blessed as you listen to this message.

All About Jesus (Our Healer)

All About Jesus (Our Healer)

Join us as Pastor Cory Steinson speaks on Christ Our Healer from his sermon series entitled “All About Jesus”. We trust you will be blessed as you listen to this message.

All About Jesus (Our Sanctifier)

All About Jesus (Our Sanctifier)

Pastor Cory continues his sermon series entitled, “All About Jesus” with a message on  “Christ our Sanctifier”. We trust you will be blessed as you listen to this message.